Nutriways Joint Pain Capsules
AS YOU AGE, your synovial fluid, the natural lubricator that protects
your joints, begins to break down. This leads to increased friction on joint cartilage
as well as pain and reduced mobility. Nutriways Joint Pain Capsule is specially
formulated with 6 super herbs to achieve maximum relief to the patients suffering
from pain in Joints, Arthritis , Gout.
English- Boswellia
Latin Name- Boswelliaserrata
SalaiGuggulhelps to maintain joint and muscle health and flexibility. It is beneficial
in chronic inflammatory conditions. It helps to reduces joint pain and swelling,
and increase mobility.
Hindi- Punarnava
English- Spreading Hogwood
Latin Name- BoerhaviaDiffusa
Punarnava is used to support comfortable movement of the joints for those with Kapha
(water) constitutions and imbalances.
Hindi- Asgandh
English- Indian Ginseng
Latin Name- WithaniaSomnifera
Herbal remedies made from this plant are helpful to ease arthritis pain and aid
stress and longevity. This herb is particularly helpful to ease arthritis pain,
as it is a natural anti-inflammatory.
Sanskrit- Guduchi, Giloy
English- GulanchaTinospora
Latin Name- Tinosporacordifolia
Tinosporacordifolia is very helpful in conditions like arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis
etc where joint pain is a common symptom. It helps to reduce pain and swelling of
joints. Giloy also helps to rejuvenate joints and increases their mobility.
Sanskrit Name: Laghugokhru
Hindi name: Gokshura, Gokhru
English name: Small Caltrops, land Caltrops
Latin name: Tribulusterrestris
It has strong anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties besides its use as
a general pain reliever.Boswellic acid reduce inflammation by deterring the inflammation
of white cells and improving blood flow to the joints. In addition, these Boswellic
acids have been shown to prevent the chemical reactions that can be precursors to
inflammation. It does this by increasing our warmth.
Rasna: -
Hindi- Rasna
English- Inularacemosa
Latin Name- Pluchealanceolata
Combats both Kapha and Pita, thus relieves stiffness and pain associated with back
pain, sciatica and other painful conditions